World Ocean Day 2022
Blue Seas Protection Supports
World Ocean Day 2022
5 ways you, as an individual, can protect the ocean and all marine life:
1. ‘Pick Up 8’ pieces of Microplastic every time you visit a beach, river or stream, to immediately stop microplastics entering the oceans.
2. ‘Shop Plastic-free’ and look for plastic-free alternatives whenever
you are shopping, to stop future plastic waste entering the oceans
3. ‘Stop Shark Finning Now!’ Sign Blue Sea Protection’s UK.GOV Petition which will
be launched for World Ocean Day 2022, to help stop this practice.
4. ‘Become a Marine Citizen Scientist’ take part in live marine surveys to increase knowledge and protection of the oceans, visit the SharkLab blog or contact for the next survey dates
5. ‘Have a Fish Free Friday!’ Help stop The GRIND Hunt. Our Fisn’n’Chips come from the Faroe Islands who slaughter Whale & Dolphin for sport.
Individual action CAN make a difference:
Following Blue Sea Protection’s successful petition ‘Suspend trade agreement with the Faroe Islands until all whale and dolphin hunts end‘, the Government launched the Inquiry: Marine Mammals in response to the 104, 665 signatures who represented every single constituency in the UK AND 120 countries world-wide, stating that The Grind Hunt has to Stop. The Government’s inquiry committee issued a ‘Call for Evidence’, so Blue Seas Protection submitted evidence to the Government’s Inquiry: Marine Mammals on 27th May 2022 again asserting that the Grind Hunt is depleting whale and dolphin populations unsustainably and that it has to stop.
Additionally, whales, dolphins and porpoise are now classed as Sentient Beings under UK law, following the Royal Assent of the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Act on the 28th April 2022. This should give all mammals with a backbone extra protection under UK Law, in which case The Grind has to Stop if the UK is to continue fish trading with the Faroe Islands.
Fish Free Friday will send a strong message that the UK Consumer’s Fish Pound and traditional fish’n’chip suppers should never be at the expense of a single whale, dolphin or porpoise.
World Ocean Day 2022: Act as individuals to strengthen the ocean’s voice; don’t wait for change, make change happen…now!