Learning Resources

On this page you can access all our latest resources for classrooms and at home

Here at Blue Seas Protection we believe that arming future generations with knowledge is the only way we can ensure that  Marine Conservation is always a priority.

The resources below enable even the youngest minds to develop an understanding of all the amazing species that we have in the seas around us ; and how important it is to keep them protected!

Our education mascots Patrick (L) and Pablo (R). Desgined by Alex Phillips

Shark Lab: A Citizen Science Project.

Blue Seas Protection's Shark Lab is a citizen scientist project here in Sandown Bay. The Shark Lab, through various surveys, collects data and helps us understand what is happening in our local Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ). 

Shark Lab is a citizen science project involving local communities and families in our marine conservation area, collecting eggcases on the beach. We sort, collate, analyse and identify rare and protected species in our marine conservation zone and enter them into three databases. 

By encouraging children and their families to participate in this project we will continue to encourage a sense of pride in the local environment and support the Isle of Wight’s biosphere. All the data the Shark Lab finds helps us create resources for the community. Just like the ones below!


Downloadable Resources

Click on the white bar below to select your document to download: