The Killing Continues – Make the use of Supertrawlers a CRIME!

The explosion of foreign supertrawlers in UK MPAs – Fishing time in the first half of 2020 doubles 2019 effort. Fishing by large foreign-owned pelagic supertrawlers over 100m in length in UK Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) has rocketed this year and has been increasing significantly since 2017 Fifteen of the supertrawlers operating in UK waters in…

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STOP “needless” detonation of wartime bombs!

Joanna Lumley has urged Boris Johnson to STOP the “needless” detonation of wartime bombs at sea, because it can cause “deafness and even death” in vulnerable whales and dolphins. Underwater explosions are crippling and fatal to marine species… In a letter to the Prime Minister and his fiancée, Carrie Symonds, who is a conservationist and…

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